$PANX Tokenomics:
Network: Binance Smart Chain
Spec: BEP-20
Initial Supply - 325,000
Max Supply - 3,250,000,000
Available to Purchase on PinkSale - soon
Tokens for Liquidity - soon
Token Breakdown - soon
PinkSale Fair Launch:
PinkSale Price - Soon
Soft Cap - 50 BNB
Minimum Purchase - Any Amount
Maximum Purchase - Any Amount
PancakeSwap Launch: Soon
PancakeSwap Launch Price - Soon
Initial Market Cap (Estimate) - soon
NO EXTRA MINT OR HIDDEN TOKENS - The $PANX smart contract has NO ability to mint extra tokens nor can the supply be manually increased or used in an artificial way to change the initial supply by awarding ourselves free tokens. The initial supply is 350,000 tokens only (please see the breakdown above).
NO RUG PULL - Liquidity will be locked for 5 years via trusted pinklock which cannot be touched or released early. (This means that you as a token holder will ALWAYS have the freedom to buy/sell whenever you like without restrictions or complications - your tokens that you buy are yours and remain in your wallet always and are never 'locked').
NO BOTS - All front run and sniper bots will be instantly blocked by the Pandora smart contract by the blacklist feature. Our smart contract cannot block normal wallets, only contracts ie bots.
Last updated